With Valentimes Day just around the corner, we find it just the right time, to tell you a bit about the art of "Love Language". We include "Love Language" as part of our Secrets at The Performance Retreat. The reason why we work with "Love Language",...

As a CEO of The Performance Retreat, I would love to share with you one of my own personal health stories and how I’ve turned it around.     How it started! At the age of 23 I was told that I had high blood pressure. Since high...

Testing the PH level is something that we do with every client that visits. A good PH level is important for the general health, in order to gain a healthy and strong life. One of our secrets is how to gain a good Alkaline PH level,...

Winter is here in Mallorca so we’ve been serving more warming foods for our clients. Prepared from organic and nutritious ingredients, this Parsnip Soup contains lots of vitamin C, folate and magnesium. We source all of our ingredients organically, and local to Mallorca where possible....